Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Will shovel dirt for beer"

...towards the end of the huge dirt pile it looked like I had ordered too much dirt. A neighbor drove by and I asked if he needed some, "sure" he replied. I talked with his wife to determine where the dirt should be dumped. Baker and I hauled 5 wheelbarrow loads to their backyard.
The wife insisted that she compensate us for the hard work and the dirt. Eventually I gave in and allowed her to pay us $20 and a 6 pack of beer.

A few days later while I was mowing the lawn, my neighbor walked over with a 6er of Schlafly's Pilsner. Interesting.

I have never had their Pilsner but given the circumstances-free beer, hot outside, sweaty brow-I couldn't wait.

I enjoyed it. It tasted like a slightly better version of a Budweiser. BUT, even though there are more hops present, it has a crisper taste, and overall better flavor I think I will still stick to the Bud after a long day working in the sun. Why? $

I would rather use the money spent on a Schlafly Pilsner towards an O'Dells IPA any day.

More current news... I'm heading to Baltimore tomorrow for a wedding. While there I'll be connecting with several other beer club representatives for a taste of East Coast brews. I can't wait to post.


  1. look for Stone beers. We can't get them here.

    This is a call to all who use this blog:

    What should Church key look for while in Baltimore?????

  2. i think the church should look for anything by philadelphia brewing company. not sure it the stuff makes it down to maryland, but, if so, picking up a bottle of whatever is possible should be worth the while.

    also, and this is a must, pick up a case of the stoudt's american pale ale. absolutely gorgeous beer. my buddy ben and i took down too many in philly this past summer. lovely, lovely, lovely ale.

    yes'r, church, keep us posted via posts.

  3. Stoudt's! that's what it is! There was one that I couldn't remember. Yes, I'll drink me some Stoudt's. One of the reps drinks it out there. He's bringing me some area greats. I sent out O'Dells IPA and O'Fallon IPA. O'Dells because it's great and O'Fallon because it's local.

    I'll look for Stone too.

  4. I wanted to send out Boulevard Single and Double Wide but Double only comes in the 22oz. I was also working on a budget.

  5. tim and i downed some double wide last night...still one of my favorite flavors to ever swish past my teeth! I am not familiar with many east coast beers (anyways, ones I can't get her in Missouri). Sorry, I have no suggestions...I trust you'll bring back something good.
